Sunday, September 13, 2009


I have had the immense pleasure of volunteer and working with an awesome group of kids for the last two weeks. I am new to the program and have been able to start getting to know them one by one. In discussing the experiences I have had, and the situations I may describe I will not be using real names to protect them and there families.

Every friday I spend 3 hours at a care center for children with emotional or behavioral problems. On average our group of kids consists of  8 kids and 4-5 "big people" or adults. We PLAY all day long, this is very therapeutic to kids. It puts them in situations where we have the opportunity to help them with person to person interaction and helps us understand more about how they feel about themselves and the world around them. I received great advice from one of the head teachers of our group in the case of how to respond to misbehaving children or negative situations. 

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